The High Five
Move Well
Eat Well
Think Well
“R” Well (rest/Recover/Reboot/Rejuvinate/Relax)
Connect Well (With yourself, Others, nature, etc.)
"The High Five!” These are the fundamentals. This is our list of ingredients for long term health and wellness; physical, mental and social health and wellness! The operative word of The High Five which is WELL. “Well” is a relative term and can differ from person to person, ability to ability, activity to activity, day to day and on and on. We encourage you to Be Well and Do Well and allow your Well to progress as you do, towards better health and wellness. As you go, just know this: “Well” is not perfection. “Well” is not designed to wear you out. “Well” is sustainable. “Well” is easy to find if misplaced. And when measured correctly, we can never “Go To The Well” too often. ~ HFHW